I Need To Start A Garden 

Fall 2020

︎︎︎ Visual System
︎︎︎ Illustration


Heynderickx’s debut, I Need to Start Garden, is a moody, rock-folk album. Each track candidly illustrates the disparate emotions that occur when a person experiences a loss. There are several somber, brash, and intimate tracks with moments of lyrical levity. This re-design is intended to create a visual system that better captures these complexities with delicate illustration and hand-lettering, and collaged bits capturing the lush, hopeful environment she imagines.


The mind-map to the left records some early ideation.Gardens are often a metaphor for fresh starts - an intentional re-birth to begin to practice patience, care, and building community.

Visual Language

The album cover was built using several collaged elements: ferns, flower petals, illustration, and pieces of my sketchbook.To the
right are some of those pieces.

Final album illustration.


The muddier, swamp green background paired with organic, crawling lines and hand-lettering complete the front and back of the album cover.

The album’s visual system expanded across a poster, and spotify banners (mobile and computer screens). To the right an is the accompanying 18’’ x 24’’ poster for Henderickx’s NPR’s Tiny Desk concert.